Regarding a recently published Op-Ed in the SFGate.
Editor – Regarding Adam Sparks’ opinion piece [“Demos: Out of Touch, Or out of their Minds?” May 20th]: This article is deliberately misleading. To begin, the argument for war has, to this day, yet to be substantiated. Do we have clear evidence of WMD? “New World order” notwithstanding, the war on Iraq has not eliminated the terrorism it was supposedly undertaken to achieve; witness the bombings in Saudi Arabia and Morocco. Despite the interesting comments of the emir of Qatar, who recently landed his country a multi-million-dollar military installation, democracy in Iraq or anywhere in the Middle East is a fallacy. Witness Afghanistan, still dependent on U.S. military support, is experiencing a resurgence of the Taliban regime in some parts of the country. Although incorrectly cited, the Senate has confirmed the majority of the President’s judicial nominees. The fact that a handful has not is evidence that the system works, as it should. Top rated nominees does not imply non-partisan. Regarding vouchers, citation of a city dependent on federal funds and politics is hardly a case. Demos aside, if Bush does win fifty-states in the next election it’ll be the lowest voter turnout in history, most disgusted voters choosing to abstain.