Friday, November 04, 2005

Changing times
At what point in our lives do we take the blinders off and live with what’s in front of us? For the longest time I had this idea that there was some kind of ideal out there. I traveled around, tried a lot of different things, and probably came to the same conclusion that a lot of people come to. There is no ideal: life is about compromise.
We can struggle against compromise and fight for our ideals, but in the end it comes to all of us. Change is inevitable. Either you move with it, or you die off as a result of it.
I like to imagine a life more glamorous than my own, but that’s all that it is – images. Reality is more conventional.
Could it be that I’m responding to the pressures of my demographic? It’s a possibility, but then no one likes to think of himself or herself as "average."
In the end we’re all a product of nature and nurture – both of which instruct us to be fruitful and multiply.