Saturday, January 14, 2012

Educated Response to the YouTube video of “racist white girls in Arizona.”

  1. Why are you recording in shadow? Are you embarrassed about what you are saying? Afraid your friends and family might not agree with your blatantly racist attitude?
  2. The Arizona law regarding immigration that you speak of was written almost entirely by a prison company whose profits are down. You can look this up. They need to increase profits, so they lock up illegal immigrants that, other than being in this country illegally, have committed no crime. Often they are just hard working people trying to create a better life for themselves and their families.
  3. Politicians supported the law because they don’t want to be seen as incapable of leading and helping their constituents, which is their job. The idea of illegal immigration as a problem is a wonderful distraction from the reality of them having sold out their constituent in favor of the wealthy and corporate interests.
  4. Do you honestly believe that illegal immigrants are stealing jobs? Often these are the people working two and three jobs that no one else wants because they don’t pay enough.
  5. Let’s step back in time for a moment and think about how Arizona came to be a state. Arizona was part of a land grab from Mexico that occurred as a result of the Mexican-American war. Arizona, New Mexico and part of California were forcefully sold to the United States. So, when you so blatantly claim that “we were here first,” think deep and hard. In reality, they were here first.
  6. Another point that is often neglected is this: we are all immigrants. The only non-immigrants are the Native Americans, and if you go back far enough even they immigrated.
Ironically, your claim to be American is in itself an error. Mexicans too are Americans, and so is anyone else who lives in North or South America.