Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The drama about children:
There appears to be an issue in the media regarding unruly children in public places, and I thought I would weigh in on the matter.
Let me start by saying, "everything in moderation." Honestly, I don’t think anyone has a problem with well-mannered, or temporarily unruly, children in public places, but many of the children of today are a different story altogether.
Where are the parents? Is a refrain that’s heard over and over and never seems to be answered. There’s this entitlement mentality creeping around in society today, wherein many parents seem to think that the fact that they have children, and a "family," gives them special status. Somehow other people should be made to make sacrifices for their special status.
It’s strangely ironic, since many of these same parents had the entitlement mentality long before they ever had kids. The fact that they had kids just prolonged their insanity. At some point in their single years it should have dawned on them that they are not entitled to anything, that most people have to work for their achievements, but just as the realization was creeping over them they squirted out a couple of puppies and went on with their folly.
I hate to have to be the one to break the news to most of you parents, especially since I’m single, but parenting is a full-time job. You decided to have children, or stupidly did nothing to plan otherwise, and now you can do your job of tending to them.
I understand the whole "it takes a village" mentality, but that presupposes an interest in the village prolonging this ridiculousness. The fact that there are a number of people and businesses willing to stand up to you people should indicate to you that the village does not approve or condone of your err in child raising regardless of what you think.