Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Midlife-Crisis Unveiled:
I can’t say I know the truth of it for everyone, but I’d bet there’s a good amount of guys that feel the same as myself. The source is just a lack of patience, or tolerance, for all the bullshit. Life is too short to put up with the anxieties, or pretend to be something you’re not.
At a certain point, I would assume it’s late thirties/early forties, most guys take a good, hard look at themselves and where they’re going, or what they’re doing and think – WTF?! Why do I put up with this shit? What’s my due? Inevitably they have to satisfactorily take stock of their lives, and answer that question.
Adjustments are to be expected; either the situation is altered to a more equitable solution, or it is dissolved. Furthermore, the male in question is less likely to involve himself in situations that he no longer finds equitable.
We always here the sob story of a woman who says, "he ran off with some bimbo."
Yeah, that’s a reality. He got tired of all the anxiety and drama and found a situation more equitable. Granted he may have the same anxiety and drama from the "bimbo," but he's obviously willing to trade the inequality for the appearance.
Let’s face it. This is not hell, and if we are victims at all it is free will that we are enslaved to. If you have chosen the situation in which you find yourself, your complaints are yours to reconcile.