Thursday, September 15, 2005

I can’t help but wonder about the nature of courtesy. Is there less of it these days, or is it something that you tend to notice more as you get older?
Ok, a story:
I went out on a date the other night with a fairly attractive girl. I thought we were having a pretty good time, but she abruptly decided it was time to go home. I probably got the wrong idea because she asked me to take her home – if she didn’t trust me to some degree, she probably wouldn’t have asked. So, having this idea that we had a pretty good time, I called her to ask if she’d like to go out again. I got no response. She complained about her phone not working when we were out, so I sent an email; again, no response. Now, I’m not an idiot. I get the hint. But, I’m also a big boy. Do we really need to play these ridiculous games? Why can’t we just call, or message, and say "you’re a decent person, but I’m looking for something else."
Yes, I had a similar situation, and no I didn’t have the guts to contact the other person directly. I sent her an email.
Is it really so hard? Are we really that selfish? I suppose I’m just in a minority in that I actually think beyond myself. I don’t know…