Saturday, February 05, 2005

Where are we now? In truth, who the hell cares?! I think, for the most part, we’re just wallowing in ignorance. It’s entirely reasonable to assume that any "news" you get these days is anything but, so where does that leave us?
I heard a program called "Counterspin" by the watchgroup F.A.I.R. the other day on Philadelphia radio, and I was impressed. No, they didn’t really report anything "new," but they did give the important background sorely lacking in mainstream media. If anything, it was a welcome surprise.
It’s a sign of the times too when you try to punch up those criteria for a search and Yahoo gives you the results but will not link to them. As an adult who did not live through the McCarthy era, I wonder if it was anything like now. Are patriot and commie interchangeable?